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Reconnective Healing & The Reconnection Professional Practitioner

International Instructor

Info EN: Welcome
Info EN: About

Two types of sessions of a holistic approach that leads to personal evolution, global rebalancing, life progress. It is reconnecting to who we really are (alignment) and touching the entire Universe - to what connects us all. It is a path towards unity rather than separation. Towards love rather than fear. Towards “Being” rather than “doing”. This well-being approach brings greater consciousness and presence, more joy and inner light, and more serenity to overcome the difficulties of life. This also helps to energize and transform life and career projects... in coherence and harmony with the soul of the person. The transformations are deep and tend to be lasting. (One can hardly return to less consciousness).

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is a holistic energy approach, without contact, that brings global rebalance, coherence, and harmony. This return to balance helps to eliminate everything that is not in harmony with your optimal vibration and leads you to a state of well-Being. The manifestations can be physical, emotional, mental, spiritual...

The person receives what is good for her/him at that moment.

The wide range of frequencies of Reconnective Healing® continue to work long after the session(s).


Reconnective Healing® doesn’t require diagnosis, complicated steps, procedures or rituals. It is not a therapy neither a treatment.

It is scientifically supported. Recent studies have even shown that it brings about a distinctly beneficial transformation in our DNA.


Reconnective Healing is for anybody: pregnant women, babies, children, adults... even for animals or plants.


Generally, 1 to 3 sessions are enough and can be done face-to-face or remotely. The value of a session is 130€.

Info EN: About
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Is performed with the frequencies of Reconnective Healing® but is very different as it is following a precise protocol. It reconnects the gridwork of your body to the ley lines of our planet Earth and the ones of the Universe. It will help you to be re-informed about your Life Path, to reconnect with your true Self and thus to be able to evolve, to awake your potential and to accelerate the healing process.

True realignment, this leads to a profound life progress and personal evolution.

It is like recalibrating your life compass.


Receiving your Personal Reconnection is your choice. You need to feel ready to realign your life, which can be intense in some cases.


It is received only once in a lifetime.

The Personal Reconnection is done in 2 separate sessions in-person. (The second session must be completed within 3 days of the first.) The price for both sessions is set across Europe at 333€.

Info EN: About


In search of meaning and humanity, I chose a medical professional path. I worked in first-line medical centers in working-class neighborhoods of Brussels, then in Africa with a humanitarian iNGO.


In 2017-2018 my life tumbled and I found myself, as Odysseus, going through lots of challenges to go back home: to who I really am.


The extreme experiences that I lived changed me and opened my eyes on many things. 


One night of December 2020, in the midst of a hard period of my Odyssey, a very vivid dream brought me the message to reconnect myself to the Source. That's how I arrived to "The Reconnection®" and Eric Pearl (the founder). 


I was then able to reconnect to Source and to myself.


I am passionate and delighted to now bring you this simple and powerful practice, which complements Western medicine so well.

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Info EN: Testimonials


"I had been suffering from pain in my right foot since May: permanent pain, difficulty walking, swollen foot with shooting pains... After a scintigraphy, the doctor diagnosed an algoneurodystrophy, the only remedy: anti-inflammatories and physio, and it can be incurable. I did 1 Reconnective Healing session with Fanny in September. After 1 week, I was surprised and pleasantly surprised that my pain had completely disappeared, I walk normally, no more pain. This session helped me without a doubt, and even cured my foot!"

Nicole- Belgium, Sept 2022

"Feeling the need for a global rebalancing, I decide to push the doors of this new path of healing. The RH sessions go smoothly thanks to Fanny's attentive and caring personality. The experience literally immerses me in a bath of enveloping, multi-sensory energy, with quickly perceptible beneficial effects that, quite curiously, I even manage to spread around me! The beginning of a journey that gives me the necessary impetus to face the challenges of everyday life with more serenity."

Nabila - Belgium, July 2022

"I was completely upside down emotionally. The 3 sessions 3 days in a row with Fanny transformed me (so quickly that my relatives were amazed): I feel much better, I even feel joy."

M. - Peru, Oct 2021

Info EN: Classes


Mini Guide "Reconnective Healing®: a simple and powerful way to heal"

Scientific studies: in detail or in short


Visit these websites:

Info EN: Sales Lead
Info EN: About
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Have a question ? Need information? Please reach out.


Fanny Bastogne

Landline: +32 71 97 60 56

Whatsapp, Signal, Telegram: +32 472 87 61 80



Villers-la-Ville (Belgium)

Or anywhere in the world remotely.


Warning: Reconnective Healing® and The Personal Reconnection do not offer any guarantees, do not provide any diagnosis, nor treat any particular health problem. Your medical treatment and its follow-up remain under your entire responsibility.

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